Spam Filtering
Spam Filtering
Premium Spam Filtering Service
Are you tired of constantly sifting through the amount of spam email in your inbox? Wish you could stop spam before it even gets to your computer?
For only $1.99 per month per email address, NATCO's premium spam filtering service is just what you need to stop spam in its tracks. Spam Filter is also offered as a feature in our Gold and Platinum TechSafe Support Plans.
Benefits of Spam Filtering
- Spam Free Inbox: The amount of spam in your inbox can almost be eliminated, giving you more time to respond to those important messages.
- Virus Filtering: Let us filter your email for viruses so you know that your attachments are safe to open.
- Daily or Weekly Reports: You get daily reports of what messages have been filtered in an email. From that email, you can quickly release safe messages from senders you know into your inbox.
- Friends and Enemies Lists: In your options, you can setup a "friends list" that never gets filtered/blocked and an "enemies lists" that always gets filtered/blocked. This helps you stop email from people or companies that just won't stop sending messages to you.
Manage Your Spam Filter
You can manage your Spam Filter settings in your personal dashboard located at
To login to the dashboard, use your full email address (e.g. and the associated password for that email access.
In your dashboard, you can view your blocked messages, manage your spam digest, and change your filtering settings (reference screenshot below):
- To view a received message blocked in the Spam Filter, click the Inbound Quarantine button, then click the email. The message will appear in the bottom pane.
- If the message is from a sender you recognize, or if you think the message is safe, release it my clicking the message and then clicking the Release button.
NATCO Spam Digest Report: The Spam Digest is sent out daily to your email by default; however, it can be configured to be turned off, or to be sent out weekly. Below is what the Digest will look like. From this email, you will have the ability to view a filtered spam email or quickly release it to your inbox if you choose. You will also be able to access your dashboard settings from a link within the email.
Friends/Enemies List: The Friends and Enemies List is located under the “Policies” section of your online dashboard. Any email address that is listed in the friends list will never go through the spam filtering process and will always be delivered to your inbox. Any email address that is listed in the enemies list will always be blocked by Spam Filter and will not reach your inbox.
NOTE: Once you make a change, the setting is automatically saved. There is no save or apply button.